Wild Child: It's raining, it's pouring, let's go EXPLORING!
A child in a yellow jacket splashes in puddles in a parking lot on a rainy day.
It’s a rainy day, so don’t miss your chance to have fun outside!
Rain means a completely changed world to explore for little ones. Try these ideas to get started:
jump in the puddles
look for snails
find droplets hanging from a leaf
use sand toys to play in a puddle
try making a boat or floating recycling container on bigger puddles
sing songs together (e.g. “Itsy bity spider” or “It’s raining it’s pouring”)
make mud pies
paint with mud and water
look for worms
listen to the rain
Whatever you choose, don’t miss the chance to play in the rain and have some fun outside today!
Written by Tandy Morton, Wild Child Outdoor Playgroup facilitator