WILD CHILD: What do you see?
One of my favourite parts of spending time in natural spaces is the things you only notice after you spend time looking. This game is fun to do out on a walk and it works anywhere.
Start with a small space (I usually use 10 paces in any direction) and look at it. What do you see?
Now look more closely. Did you see the red dogwood? The Golden rod Gall Fly galls? The leaf buds on the tree? The lonely teasel all by itself? How about the giant sycamore leaf? or the milkweed pods scattering their seeds?
Dogwood - easy to spot by its red colour
Tree branch with buds
Sycamore leaf
Milkweed pods spreading their seeds
This is a fun game to play as a family and see who can spot something the others missed.
Written by Tandy Morton, WILD CHILD Playgroup Facilitator