Winter Birds of Ontario: Feathered Residents Braving the Cold
Photo by Todd Steitle on Unsplash
While many birds migrate south for the winter, a remarkable variety stay in Ontario, braving the cold and snowy months. These winter residents adapt to the chilly climate and continue to thrive, offering bird watchers a delightful opportunity to observe them in a serene, frosty backdrop. Here are some of the birds you can spot in Ontario during winter:
1. Black-capped Chickadee These tiny, energetic birds are year-round residents in Ontario. Recognizable by their black caps and bibs with white cheeks, chickadees are curious and friendly, often visiting bird feeders.
2. Blue Jay Known for their vibrant blue color and loud calls, Blue Jays are highly intelligent and can be seen in Ontario throughout the winter. They are known to store acorns for the cold months.
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash
3. Northern Cardinal The brilliant red of the male Northern Cardinal makes it a striking sight against the snowy landscape. Cardinals do not migrate and are commonly seen at feeders during winter.
4. Downy Woodpecker The smallest woodpecker in North America, the Downy Woodpecker, is a frequent visitor to suet feeders in winter. Its black and white plumage and small size distinguish it from other woodpeckers.
5. Snowy Owl Ontario is one of the best places to see the majestic Snowy Owl in winter, especially in open fields and along shorelines. These birds migrate from the Arctic tundra to spend the winter in slightly warmer climates.
Observing these resilient birds can enhance your appreciation of nature’s adaptability and the beauty of Ontario’s winter landscape.